The WFS is offering a free 10-week email series called "Fundamentals of Foresight. Sign up here and each week you'll get a lengthy email that explains a futuring technique. Here's an excerpt from lesson six, "Wild Cards."
"On one level, we love wild card events. We love them as big-budget spectacles in Hollywood movies, from The Day After Tomorrow (global warming) to I Am Legend (global epidemic) and many others. In these movies, the entire planet is caught completely off-guard, governments and citizens alike entirely unprepared for the devastation that is about to be unleashed upon them. That's a large part of what makes these movies so entertaining to watch. But if such events were to happen in real life, we would prefer to follow the old Boy Scout motto and Be Prepared! So, let's prepare ourselves. Seatbelts fastened everyone? Good. Let's begin."