I'll be MIA for the next 48 hours. My firm (Makovsky + Company) is hosting the IPREX09 conference Thursday through Saturday. For those who don't know, IPREX is the world's second largest network of independent PR firms, and it enables us to serve clients just about anywhere in the world on a moment's notice.
All of this is my long way of saying I won't be blogging here for the next two days because I'll be blogging, Tweeting, YouTubing, Flickring and even LinkedIning the conference as a member of Makovsky's Social Media Swat Team. The team covers events like IPREX09 as a way of "socializing" the content, building online reputations, spreading intellectual capital. (I know, it's a shameless plug, but you have to admit the name is cool.)
You can follow all the action -- including meetings with international editors at Bloomberg, a panel discussion at NYU starring 8 heads of global PR, and a presentation and Q&A at Google -- here:
Blog: iprex09.wordpress.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/iprex09
Twitter hash: #iprex09